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The results are 4 .txt documents

  • Galaxies and gazes parameters:
    - center of the object in the X axis
    - center of the object in the Y axis
    - width of the object
    - height of the object
  • Dust Particles parameters:
    - center of the object in the X axis
    - center of the object in the Y axis
  • Stars parameters:
    - center of the object in the X axis
    - center of the object in the Y axis
    - width of the object
    - height of the object
  • Colors Distribution RGB:
    - Distribution parameters:
    - Distribution center in the X axis
    - Distribution center in the Y axis
    - Weight of the color

    * Note that red ,green and blue are objects in each frame.
All the positions and scales are relative the frame.
The origin of x and y axis is set at the top left corner of the frame.
Frame separation character is : | (vertical slash)
Objects separation in the frame character is : / (backslash)

PLEASE REFER TO THE PROJECT PDF DESCRIPTION to know more about the data expected to be obtained.